Test for Internet Connectivity the Windows Way - CodeProject

networking - Dell M6600: "No internet access", can browse If I'm not mistaken, nslookup uses it's own DNS resolver, so testing resolution of dns.msftncsi.com with nslookup may be a bit of a red herring. Flush the DNS server cache and flush your DNS client cache and ping dns.msftncsi.com and see if it resolves correctly. – joeqwerty Dec 3 '14 at 16:38 Windows でインターネット接続しているのに「インターネットな … dns.msftncsi.com の DNS 名前解決が ”” と一致すること; つまり、実際に多くのインターネット サイト / インターネット リソースに問題なく接続できていても、上記のテストにパスしなければ NCSI は「インターネットなし」になります。 why is my router looking up "dns.msftncsi.com

dns.msftncsi.com: DNSLookUp Nslookup DNS de dns.msftncsi.com

Jan 11, 2020 #659 (NCSI reports No Internet with block-outside-dns While connected to the tunnel, I can ping and DNS resolve www.msftncsi.com, dns.msftncsi.com. I can also get the ncsi.txt file manually via browser. Questions: How is the filtering of DNS packets outside the TAP adapter interface / generated by other applications than openvpn.exe impacting the NCSI? Could you clarify why this only happens on

How to use Group Policy to remove the Network Connectivity

Dec 24, 2016