10 Linux GUI tools for sysadmins - 推酷
2012-12-20 · Shorewall reads those configuration files and with the help of the iptables, iptables-restore, ip and tc utilities, Shorewall configures Netfilter and the Linux networking subsystem to match your requirements. Shorewall is not a simple and easy to use GUI tool. Sample setup Simple console gui for firewall configuration on Debian 2009-6-10 Linux 10个最佳可视化工具-奇搜博客 2019-7-22 · 9.Shorewall Shorewall是一个免费的开源GUI,用于创建和管理黑名单,配置防火墙,网关,VPN和控制流量。它利用Linux内核中内置的Netfilter(iptables / ipchains)系统,提供更高级别的抽象来描述使用文本文件管理复杂配置方案的规则。 10款面向系统管理员的Linux GUI工具 - 推酷 2015-10-28 · 5.Shorewall Shorewall是一种用于配置iptable的GUI。没错,也有其他的GUI用来调优系统安全,可是其中许多根本不如Shorewall来得那么深入。UFW之类的应用程序是面向桌面系统的最佳安全调优工具之一,而Shorewall是面向服务器的最佳安全调优工具之一。
Shorewall - A High-Level Firewall for Configuring Linux
2020-7-20 · Shorewall is essentially a front-end to iptables, but it is a command line environment front-end that utilizes a number of text files for its configuration. While Shorewall is a robust firewall system that can be scaled over very large networks servicing numerous machines, we are going to start off with a basic two-interface configuration and 如何设置Shorewall(海岸线)4.0防火墙在CentOS … 2017-9-23 · 如何在CentOS 5.1上设置Shorewall(Shoreline)4.0防火墙 介绍 本教程将引导您在CentOS 5.1上设置Shorewall(Shoreline)4.0防火墙,这可以轻松适应任何其他Linux发行版。 HowTo/shorewall - Debian Wiki
How To Set Up Shorewall (Shoreline) 4.0 Firewall On CentOS …
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