Aug 11, 2019

Ping test in a shell script - Jérôme Jaglale Ping test in a shell script #!/bin/sh # -q quiet # -c nb of pings to perform ping -q -c5 > /dev/null if [$? -eq 0] then echo "ok" fi How it works $? returns the exit status of the command previously executed. If ping is successful, $? will return 0. If not, it will return another number. 10+ Ping Command in Linux: Ping Command Syntax & Examples Aug 11, 2019 How to Ping Google in Linux -

Ping test in a shell script #!/bin/sh # -q quiet # -c nb of pings to perform ping -q -c5 > /dev/null if [$? -eq 0] then echo "ok" fi How it works $? returns the exit status of the command previously executed. If ping is successful, $? will return 0. If not, it will return another number.

networking - Checking host availability by using ping in FYI, I just did some test using the method above and if we use multi ping (10 requests) ping -c10 &> /dev/null ; echo $? the result of multi ping command will be "0" if at least one of ping result reachable, and "1" in case where all ping requests are unreachable. Ping Command in Linux | Linuxize

Linux ping Command Examples - JournalDev

Linux Ping Command With Examples - Knowledge Base by Apr 18, 2019 Top 10 Ping Command Examples in Linux | CyberITHub Dec 13, 2019 Speed test - The following parameters are measured when the test is run: PING (or LATENCY) - the network delays in milliseconds [ms] when the data is sent between your computer and the Internet. This is the most important parameter when we are talking about online games or calls. Latency time strongly depends on distance between you and the reference server. Ping Command (Examples, Options, Switches, and More)